Won Affirmance On Behalf Of The Child To Order Terminating His Father’s Parental Rights.
Matter of Ziah X.C. (Kevin C.), 172 AD3d 549 (1st Dept 2019)
In this termination of parental rights proceeding where I represented one of the children, the First Department accepted by argument that despite his completion of the recommended services, the father was unable to demonstrate the necessary parenting skills and failed to adequately plan for the children because of his inability to separate from the mother, who continued to suffer from untreated alcoholism. The Court also accepted my argument that termination of the father’s parental rights was in the best interests of my client and that a suspended judgment was not warranted under the circumstances, given the father’s lack of insight into the children’s special needs and his own behavior, and his decision to move three hours away from them. The children have lived with the foster mother for most of their lives, have bonded with her, and she is equipped to handle their special needs and wishes to adopt them.